King Lear: Feminine Transformation

I think that Kahn makes an interesting point. I didn’t look at Lear that way before, but now that it has been brought to my attention, it does make sense. My only argument against it (if it’s even considered against it) is that it isn’t the only transformation that Lear undergoes, and I don’t think it’s one that Lear would admit to going through.

I do see from the beginning of the book Lear’s “masculinity” getting in the way. He doesn’t want to let go of his kingdom, he doesn’t cry, and when the only daughter that truly loves him walks out, he does not show a single sign of sadness or guilt. I debate whether it’s purely masculinity though. It could be that it’s a combination of Lear’s stubborn personality and masculinity. As the play continues, is it that Lear is loosening his manly shackles and adopting a new feminine outlook, or is it that he has simply seen the error of his arrogance and decided to change his actions for the better?

I feel like the answer to that question could be a mixed response. I am sure that asking Lear himself would result in the latter, but Lear could be unknowingly letting the women inside come out. That is the best idea I can come up with having read the excerpts and the play.  I think that Lear, while growing as a person, has somehow managed to accept a feminine side. I think it might even come with letting go of his past ways. As Lear gets rid of his haughtiness, he opens up, and that makes him have more feeling and emotion than he ever had before. By the end of the play he finally feels the pain of his daughters dismissal. He’s in an entirely different place than he was in Scene 1.

Kahn has surfaced the idea, but I think with any growth in maturity, male or female, you have to be willing to understand and more or less feel. If you don’t then you will always be living like a child. Children don’t yet understand or have a heavy understanding of emotion at their young age, but as they get older they realize what the whole spectrum of feelings has to offer. Emotion is what makes people live their lives differently. You live your life in accordance with emotion. I think that Lear became aware of the pain that he was causing, and that is why he changed. Lear had a maturity growth spurt, even at his late age.

I feel like the feminist outlook is one in the same with growing as a person. If that is the statement that Kahn’s making then I agree. It does put an interesting spin on Lear and I think that he did in a way learn the true meaning of love. He learned that it wasn’t just words, that their had to be some real emotion behind those words to make it work.

One comment

  1. I agree with you. I never saw Lear’s transformation as him accepting femininity, but rather him seeing the error’s of his misjudgment and pride like you said. I also agree with the latter part of your post where you stated that his growth was one of emotional maturaty (something which even males must go through and not uniquely feminine). Though, I have to wonder how much of Lear’s mistakes throughout the book were to his growing madness or if this rash behavior was always in character for him (I didn’t think so, but I suppose Kahn would disagree).

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